Henlopen Acres Property Owners Corporation


Property owners in Henlopen Acres are automatically members of the Henlopen Acres Property Owners Corporation (HAPOC). By provisions of its property deed, membership in HAPOC is private, and not available to anyone who does not own property in Henlopen Acres.




Block W:

The sole purpose of HAPOC is the maintenance and control of Block W, which is an approximately nine (9) acre parcel of oceanfront property in Henlopen Acres that is located south of the Henlopen Acres Beach Club (HABC) extending to the Delaware State-owned lands to the south known as Deauville Beach.

The parcel includes the beach, dune, and treed lands from the mean high-water mark of the surf to the State-owned road called “Duneway” that leads to North Shores, and it extends from the foot of the bridle path adjacent to Pine Reach northward to the Henlopen Acres Beach Club.



Board of Governors – 2024 Season

Paddy Richards              President

Johan Poulsen       Vice President

Jeffrey Jacobs               Treasurer

Nathalie MacGregor        Secretary

George Dotzel     Sergeant at Arms

Contact Us:

Email: henlopenblockw@gmail.com

Dunes 1


Although Block W Beach is a part of the Town of Henlopen Acres, it is privately owned and controlled by HAPOC. The responsibilities of the Board of Governors of the Corporation are:

  • Oversight of use by HAPOC members
  • Restriction of access or use by non-members
  • Maintenance of property, foliage, dunes, and protective sand fences
  • Maintenance of access paths to and from the beach
  • Maintenance of signs advising of privately owned beach
  • Maintenance of appropriate insurance coverages
  • Collection of an annual assessment to fund operations
  • Annual meeting with membership


HAPOC Rules for Use of the Block W Beach

Block W Beach is a private beach, intended to be used only by Henlopen Acres property owners, members of their immediate family, and their guests. To have access to the Block W Beach owners need a Beach Pass and adhere to these rules.  Guests are permitted on Block W if accompanied by the owner or a family member. Renters of property in Henlopen Acres may also use Block W provided they have an appropriate beach access pass.

The Beach Pass is necessary even if you walk or ride a bike to the Block W Beach so it can be shown upon request by a HAPOC beach ambassador who is on duty from Memorial Day till the end of September. 

The Block W Beach is accessed via the end of the cul-de-sacs on Pine Reach and Rolling Road.  Bicycles and cars can be parked at these locations. Car parking permit issued by the Town of Henlopen Acres and are available at the Town offices.  The permit must be displayed on the right side of the dashboard.

1. Beach Hours: Regular beach swimming hours are 10 am to 6 pm. No one is permitted on Block W beach after midnight, and before 6 am.

2. No lifeguards on the beach: All swimming is at the members’ own risk.

3. Chairs/Umbrellas: Members may bring their own beach chairs and umbrellas or may rent them from the Lynam beach shack located north on the property and off the Henlopen Acres Beach Club

4. Alcohol: No alcoholic beverages permitted on Block W or its beach.

5. Glass: No glass containers are permitted on Block W or its beach.

6. Water Devices: No use of boats, surf boards, or large rafts is allowed. Use of boogie boards, skim boards, or small rafts is permitted away from swimmers and bathers.

7. Dogs: Dogs are not allowed on the beach between 10 am and 6 pm. Dogs are allowed on the beach after 6 pm and before 10 am but must be leashed and under the control of the owner.  It is expected that pet owners will clean up any dog waste.

8. Fishing: No fishing is permitted during regular beach swimming hours.

9. Dunes: No one is permitted to cross through the dunes other than on the designated paths. The dunes are restricted and protected areas.

10.  Sports: Sports activities such as volleyball and frisbee are permissible on the beach but it is required that play take place away from others.

11.  Music: Radios and CD players are permitted to play music, however the volume should be adjusted so as not to disturb others.

12.  Tents: No tents are permitted for sleeping on Block W or its beach. Use is not permitted after 6 pm.

13.  Clean-Up: Owners and their guests, as well as renters must clean up their debris and litter after each visit.

14.  Events: Owners must request permission to hold any event on the beach, other than regular swimming and sunning, for more than twelve persons. A property owner may not sponsor a gathering or event on the beach for non-members, or on behalf of another organization. The beach may also be used for a bonfire at night, with set-up and clean-up services available for hire by Lynam 302-245-3832. Special Event Requests must be completed and sent to Paddy Richards paddyrichards3@gmail.com for approval and Bonfire Requests must be completed and sent to George Dotzel gdotzel@comcast.net for approval with a copy to  townmgr@henlopenacres.com. and Johan Poulsen poulsen_johan@hotmail.com. 

Please fill in this application.

15.  Fireworks: Use of fireworks is in violation of Delaware State law, the regulations of the Town of Henlopen Acres, and Block W rules and poses a potential safety risk to individuals, and a fire risk for the foliage on the property.

16. Underaged gatherings: Gatherings of teenagers must be supervised by an adult.

17.  Security cameras: Block W has suffered littering and vandalism associated with underage alcohol consumption.  At the suggestion of local authorities, to curb this abuse HAPOC has installed security cameras on the property.  They will enable identification of issues and permit to address them individually.


If there are any questions about these restrictions, please contact the President of HAPOC Paddy Richards paddyrichards3@gmail.com



(1) Organization By-Laws

(2) Financial Report 2022-23 fiscal year

(3) Results of the 2021 Member Survey

(4) Minutes of the Board of Governors Meeting December 2023

(5)  Conflict of Interest statement of the Board of Governors

(6) Draft Minutes of the Annual Meeting – June 15, 2024